Case description 2 "Shower refusal"
Greta does not want to shower and says she does not need help with this. She claims that she does it herself and that no one else should get involved in this. The staff feel that they have tried everything to get Greta in the shower. At some point, the staff have more or less forced her to have a shower. Greta was very upset with this and became disengaged. The situation has made Greta become aggressive. She has not showered in four weeks. Greta's daughter asked the staff why Greta hair is so dirty. The staff explained the situation to the the daughter. However, the daughter thinks that the staff should be capable of getting Greta to take a shower and she wants Greta to take a shower before tomorrow so that when a friend of hers comes to visit tomorrow, Greta can look well-groomed and pleasant.
To discuss:
1. How would you go about getting Greta to take a shower?
2. Can you find any clues in Greta's life story as to why getting a shower is problematic or some details that can alleviate the situation?
3. How do you handle relatives who complain that you and your colleagues have not done your job properly?