6.1 Loss and grief in relation to dementia, an introduction

In sickness and in health

When the person with dementia has lived with the disease for a time it could be helpful to have extra home care to handle some of the care situations in order to keep the relation between the dement person and the informal carer as natural as possible. Very often it could be actualized that the person with dementia have move to a specialized residential for elderly with dementia. This situation is often very hard to handle for the person who have to leave home but also for the informal career. Shame and guilt is common feelings related to need help and being forced to let the person with dementia move away. 

The married couple once promised each other to be true to each other "in sickness and in health" and now the promise has to be broken because the partner is not able to handle the care anymore. In this situations it is important that we can support relatives to normalize the situation. 

It is a good thing to receive help and that it can bring time for recovery and a better relation to the person with dementia. Many times it takes too long before relatives ask for help. To let someone else take control of the care is difficult and often this period of the course of disease is one of the hardest.

Introduction Dementia a palliative diagnose Loss of the future In sickness and in health The base in palliative care No one should have to die alone Anticipatory grief Empathy and compassion

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