Laws and Guidelines in Scotland

5a. Dementia strategies and policy

Scotland's dementia strategies and policy have supported the rights-based approach to dementia. The Scottish Government has produced three national dementia strategies in total that were underpinned by a human rights approach and informed by the Charter of Rights for People with Dementia and their Carers in Scotland (2009). The Charter of rights reflects protection laws that already exist in Scotland. The latest (third) strategy (2017-2020) consists of 21 commitments and focuses on major areas such as diagnosis rates, post-diagnostic support and integrated home care and palliative care.   

The Standards of Care for Dementia in Scotland was published in 2011 as part of the action to support the Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy. The standards set out action plan to improve dementia care and it relates to people diagnosed with dementia in Scotland, regardless of where they live, their age, the supports they receive or the severity of their illness. The standards apply to people living in their own homes, care homes or hospitals, especially general hospitals.

Charter of Rights 

The Charter of rights for people with dementia and their carers in Scotland in 2009 was created to ensure people with dementia and their carers (family members and friends) have the same human rights as every other citizen. It also reflects existing supporting legislations relating to dementia in Scotland (see section 3). The charter covers the standards already set by the United Nations and other international instruments ((known as the “PANEL” approach, endorsed by the United Nations):

  • Participate in decisions which affect their human rights.
  • Accountability of those responsible for the respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights.
  • Non-discrimination and equality.
  • Empowerment to know their rights and how to claim them.
  • Legality in all decisions through an explicit link with human rights legal standards in all processes and outcome measurements.


Key legislation and resources: 

1. Aims of the unit and introduction 2. The International Context 3. United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 4. What is the difference between legislation, policy and procedure? 5. The Scottish Context 5a. Why is the Promoting Excellence Framework important? 5a. Dementia strategies and policy 5b. Framework of legislation in Scotland 6. Conclusion

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