Laws and guidelines Romania

• LAW OF MENTAL HEALTH AND PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH PSYCHIC DISORDERS (Law no. 487/2002) - Because dementia is a group of neurological disorders affecting the central nervous system with manifestations in the field of psychiatry.

• Since 2003 - there is the Law on Patients' Rights, on health care, medical services, community services and services related to the medical act

• The strategy approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health no. 374/2006, starts from the general need for health reform and aims to move from the traditional care system to a system that emphasizes the integration of the person in the community, by accepting a set of values ​​regarding:

 Responsibility of the community team;

 Community participation;

 Accessibility of services;

 Balance between system components;

 Continuity of care;

 Minimally restrictive alternatives;

 Emphasis on rehabilitation;

 Specialization of care;

 Involvement of beneficiaries and their families in the care process;

 Focusing on trials of clinical and community practice.

The evaluation of mental health is done only by the psychiatrist, the objective of the evaluation being to establish the diagnosis.

The general rule established by law is that the assessment of mental health is done with the free, informed and documented consent of the person.

The exception to the rule is limited to specific situations, when the evaluated person has difficulties in assessing the implications of a decision on himself, a situation in which he must benefit from the assistance of the legal or conventional representative.

• In 2018 - Ministerial Order on the Mandatory Minimum Standards for ensuring the care and protection of adults with severe or severe disabilities at the professional personal assistant

Introduction General Framework Services and rights Investigations Useful Legislation Reflection

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